Photo gallery: Open Day 2025

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Learmont cars being prepared for auction
Neville Leech has been busy over the last couple of weeks getting as many vehicles in the Learmont collection running and rolling in preparation for the auction. Neville has faced stale fuel, “molasses” in fuel tanks and carburettors, frozen points, locked brakes and perished tyres and tubes. It’s a big task to get these vehicles going after such a long time laid up and his efforts are showing positive results, with the auction soon to be announced.
Modified Mon, 6 May 2024

Tilba Winery Luncheon - 21 April
22 Members enjoyed a pleasant drive to Tilba on a sunny Autumn morning, with Kevin’s Mini having a “BMC” day and losing a cylinder en-route. Kevin decided to turn back to try and locate the missing cylinder, and hopefully all went well! The Tilba winery is an excellent venue for Club lunches which members enjoyed. A number decided to return via the coast road via Bermagui and a few cars were noted blowing some cobwebs out the back. A most enjoyable day for all who participated.
Modified Wed, 24 April 2024

VW Kombi Visit 30 March 2024
On Easter Saturday some 50 VW Kombis and over one hundred enthusiasts showed up at the club for a meet and tour of our premises followed by tea and snacks. The visitors enjoyed the display of our cars and the most enlightening and entertaining presentations by our tour guides. Just listening to Neville Leech giving a history of Peter Learmont and his cars was very entertaining, excellent job Neville. Thanks to all the helpers, especially the catering team and organizers and tour guides, a special thanks to Alec Percival. As one can see, it was quite a remarkable sight with all sorts of weird and wonderful VW people carriers and campers on display.
Modified Sun, 31 March 2024

Cooma Car Museum Visit 17 March 2024
On Sunday 17 March a group of 18 ventured up Brown Mountain to the Cooma Car Club for lunch and a look around their museum. Thanks to Charles Hodsdon for being the master of ceremony and taking care of the formalities CongratulaƟons to the Cooma Car Club for providing such a formidable display, some real beauties there. Should you pass through Cooma, have a look at the exhibit and enjoy a drink and bite to eat. The Motor Museum is open to the public every Tuesday 9am to 1pm, and the first Saturday of the month from 10am to 3pm
Modified Tue, 19 March 2024

Riley Farm Visit
Riley Car (parts) Collect On the 11th through to the 14th March five club members and one volunteer drove to the Riley Farm outside of Parkes NSW. Some 4 tonnes of chassis frames and other car components were identified and loaded onto two trailers. Thanks to Bob Cechet and John McNair for organizing the event. Fred Silk managed to get some Oldies started, the Wolseley hasn’t been fired up for 40 years. Good fun was had by all, on the second last day we managed to visit the McFeeder Car Museum at Forbes which is well worth to see and spend time at. You may want to hurry as the building is for sale and subsequently the cars will be auctioned off – some opportunities there for interested parties? Then a visit the CSIRO radio telescope at Parkes NSW, A remarkable iconic 64-diameter structure has been in operation since 1961. Finally ended at the Bogan Gate Pub for some cold beers and dinner.
Modified Tue, 19 March 2024

Tathra Lions Club 50th Anniversary
A great day out was had by members at the Tathra Lions Club 50th Anniversary celebrations at Taylor Square in Tathra. There was a brisk fresh off the ocean breeze when we arrived, but a nice coffee warmed us up. (thanks Gary) It was interesting mix of cars from our club and the Bega club for visitors to check out. The day quickly warmed up to a beautiful sunny day and we were most entertained by the dog high jump. Our club junior entrant failed at the first jump, so more training is required Robyn for future dog high jumps.
Modified Tue, 20 February 2024

The “Italian Run
Our run started at the “Vila" for delicious Coffee and Cake at Pam and Craig's home before heading off to Candelo, Wyndham, Rocky Hall and Towamba for a pit stop and finally on to Eden. This route gave members a chance to enjoy some of the excellent drivers' roads we have in the district - ending up at the Hotel Australasia "Pikes circa 1904 Italian Restaurant". Many thanks to Pam & Craig for getting the tour off to a wonderful start with afternoon tea. Most drivers thoroughly enjoyed letting their classic cars blow some cobwebs out the exhaust, and lots of smiles were evident on arrival at the Australasia!
Modified Tue, 20 February 2024

Sapphire Coast Historic Vehicle Club Inc.
PO Box 219 Pambula NSW 2549
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