
The S.C.H.V.C. welcomes enthusiasts and owners of Classic, Vintage and Veteran vehicles, including Motor Cycles. Our 3 hectare site located at South Pambula, on the beautiful Sapphire Coast of NSW, has extensive facilities including mechanical workshop, panel shop and clubroom with kitchen.

The club also has two Pavilions housing club member's vehicles, which are on display for visiting groups. Monthly club meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month, 7:30pm, prospective members are welcome. The club holds monthly weekday and weekend events. The club is a founding member of the Historic Motoring Association of NSW and is certified for both the Historic Vehicle and Classic (modified) Vehicle Registration Schemes, NSW.

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Sapphire Coast Historic Vehicle Club Inc.
PO Box 219 Pambula NSW 2549
Email info@schvc.com.au
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