Rego Renewals

This guide is to assist with preparing for your vehicle inspection at the club for registration renewal or a new registration. Please ensure you are well prepared and don't leave things to the last minute. Our club Registrar and inspectors are volunteers and only available for inspections by arrangement on limited days - Tuesdays & Saturday mornings.

Historic Vehicle Scheme: HVS

1. Login to the club website and ensure that your personal and vehicle details are up to date. Your vehicle must be listed in order for it to be inspected. If you require assistance with this please contact the Registrar.

2. Download and complete the "Historic Vehicle Declaration" form HERE

3. Contact our club Registrar Rod Newman on 0418 848 621 to arrange an inspection appointment. If you are providing a current Pink Slip Certificate no inspection is required however an appointment is still required to process the paperwork.

4. Prior to your vehicle being inspected, take a good look over your vehicle and ensure that everything is in working order.

5. For your inspection please ensure you bring the following documents:
(a) the completed "Historic Vehicle Declaration" form - please note no alterations or corrections on the form will be accepted by Transport for NSW.
(b) a copy of your Comprehensive Insurance policy or Certificate
(c) your Registration Renewal notice
(d) a completed "Application for Conditional Registration" if a NEW registration. (see 7 below)
(e) your Pink Slip if you have one

6. Please note: your vehicle must be sighted annually by the Registrar and/or Acceptance Committee prior to registration when providing a Pink Slip certificate.

7. For a NEW Historic Registration: download and complete the "Application for Conditional Registration" form HERE and present to the Club Registrar.

Classic Vehicle Scheme: CVS
Please follow these instructions issued by the NSW Historic Vehicle Assn. LINK

Other Resources:

Take the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the requirements and use of your Log book HERE

It is a requirement to carry a printed list of Club Promulgated Events in the vehicle, which is available HERE .

Related pages

Rego Renewals
Sapphire Coast Historic Vehicle Club Inc.
PO Box 219 Pambula NSW 2549
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