The SCHVC is a pretty unique car club given the existing club facilities and the potential to further develop the site to better serve the members' needs. This gives us an opportunity to build on the legacy we've inherited. We've had a master planning exercise running for some time - so we're now in a good position to evaluate potential opportunities we have to improve the club's ability to service members' interests and needs. What's missing is guidance from members about what those interests and needs are, and how these might be better served by improvements to the site and facilities. To remedy this we've created a questionnaire that explores some of the options available and encourages you to add things not on the list that you feel should be. We've taken the opportunity of having got your attention to also explore other aspects of how the club meets your needs in terms of activities etc. We are also looking for ways to increase the club's presence in the community and we'd like your opinion and thoughts on this aspect as well. Please take some time and complete the questionnaire online if you are able. For those who prefer we will also distribute copies at general meetings, working bees and other events to try to get as many members giving us their feedback. Thanks for attention if you've got this far and we look forward to your response!